March dry rubber (40021913) imports 7921 tonnes, down 36.04, an increase of 137.34% year-on-year. 2024 January - March, SBS dry rubber imports accumulated in 23100 tonnes, compared with the same period in 2023 increased 9395 tonnes, or 68.56%. Imports as a whole, January imports of flat, and lower than the average value of imports in 2023; February imports doubled, breaking 10,000 tonnes; March imports are still good, higher than the average value of imports in 2023.SBS dry rubber imports of average price point of view, January, February, March average price is lower than the same period in 2023.SBS dry rubber imports of average price point of view, January, February, March average price is lower than the same period in 2023.
Imports of production and marketing countries (regions), Russia, Japan, Taiwan, China, the top three, accounting for 84.63%, 5.76%, 4.97%, accounting for a cumulative total of about 96% of the total dry rubber imports. Other imports of production and marketing countries, the United States over 100 tonnes, France close to 100 tonnes.
Export production and marketing countries (regions), India, the Netherlands, Brazil ranked the top three, accounting for 16.76%, 11.36%, 9.14%, accounting for about 37% of the total exports of dry glue. 10 + countries (regions) accounted for 32.22%, side by side, reflecting the export of more national data. During the month, the number of export countries in 43, India for more than 1,000 tonnes of countries (regions). During the year, the cumulative number of countries with more than 1,000 tonnes in a single month, India (3 times), Russia (1), the Netherlands (1), it is worth mentioning that India in January for a single month of exports of more than 2,000 tonnes of countries, is the only one, a record high, and exports to India for three consecutive months more than 1,000 tonnes.
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